Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rochester Michigan

Here we come!!! Rochester is a city in Oakland County in the U.S. state of Michigan and a suburb of Detroit. The population was 10,467 at the 2000 census. The City of Rochester is bordered on the north, south, and west by the City of Rochester Hills.

Rochester has great natural beauty due to the three waterways that surround the city, abundant green space of three parks, and two winding nature trails. Residents can enjoy fishing in the Clinton River or biking along the Paint Creek Trail.

"Rochester", or the "Rochester Area", are often used to describe Rochester, Oakland Township, and Rochester Hills.

Mark has been named the director of the Resource Center for Missional Leadership at Rochester College (Equipping Missional Leaders for Faithful Engagement with a Changing World). I believe this is a wonderful fit for Mark's passion and vision for the Church in today's culture. I ask you to join me in prayer for Mark and the College as he seeks to serve in this way. Please see his blog post at

On the Road Again - to Michigan

The photos shown above are of Rochester College in Michigan.

Mark and I have lived in Minnesota for two years now. Mark has been attending Luther Seminary and taking classes towards a PhD in Congregational Mission and Leadership. We have enjoyed the diversity of life, of weather and of community. I believe we have learned to live more simply while we've been here. There is less that we need in this life than perhaps we thought. We've learned many things that I hope we will carry on to the next adventure in this journey called our life.

Though Mark has finished his class work, he has not finished the program. He is in progress - but timing is not always our own is it? We feel that we have been called to move, and work with Rochester College. We will begin our life in Rochester this summer. We are anxious to join the community there and work to help build and sustain this college.

I am thinking there is no one better to introduce you to Rochester College (if you don't already know) than Rubel Shelly,the President of Rochester College. The following are some of his words "Rochester College exists to engage students in a vigorous liberal arts education within a Christian community for a life of study and service. Students in pursuit of high goals, faculty committed to helping them, and genuine Christian community to bind them together in the process - this is what our college is about.

The beating heart of Rochester College is the campus life of students. Young men and women learn not only history, science, and career skills for the business and professional world but life skills about living to reflect the image and glory of God in the world. As lived here, spirituality is hardly drab and monotonous. Following the example of Jesus, it is joyous, relational, and missional. The Savior of the World loved beauty, engaged the words of Holy Scripture, and showed his love for others through unselfish service.

But the focus of the college is not in the past. We are a forward-looking, dream-driven place! With a diverse student body and dedicated faculty, we are pursuing excellence in business and healthcare, teaching and psychology, athletics and the arts - as well as Christian ministry.

The roots of Rochester College are in Churches of Christ, and its branches reach across all denominational lines. We are non-sectarian in our approach and work to build up the Body of Christ in our region and around the world."

Having learned that we need less on this journey, I hope we will be open to what is really important - to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God. There is more to come -