Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Seasons and Cycles of Life

Life moves in seasons or cycles, or so I believe. A breath in and a breath out - a child is born and with that first breath we hear the cry of her voice.

Last week many of us witnessed the movement of an entire life cycle in less than 1 week, beginning to end - and were left feeling struck over the head. What? How can this be? Two beautiful babies were born into "this life." First came Anna Kate (bottom left) a beauty for sure, with pretty red hair. Morgan delivered Maximus 3 days later and he is so handsome. (pictured top right) Yes, a new journey begins ... I can't wait to see what life holds for them.

Then a sweet friend took her last breath (unexpectedly). Cindy exuded life and life abundant. (pictured top left) I can't find any answers for this loss. She wasn't in the "winter" of life. She was here and then she wasn't. What I know for sure is that God's hand is on all three and there is great peace in that. God was with Anna Kate and Maximus as they took their first breath and God was with Cindy when she took her last. Won't it be wonderful if Anna Kate and Maximus can learn to live and love - just as Cindy - wholeheartedly. I believe there are those who come before us to light the way. ... As I am writing this, it just struck me that not only can Cindy live before Anna Kate and Max but for all of us still here. She is with the cloud of witnesses - for her there is peace and sabbath rest.

For us who are left, we wrestle with what is known and unknown. We are left with God - who is all and in all - who is LOVE. We can mourn and grieve and call out to him. We may hear him answer and we may not hear anything but our own breath. This makes me think about the day my father died - also Linda's birthday. I can't recall if I heard the Fathers voice but something in me told me it was alright. In a way it makes an odd sense. Birth, life, and an ending of one - all on the same date. It happens every day I'm sure. But for me when October 22 comes I not only celebrate Linda's life but I reflect on my fathers and I'm thankful for his life here and that he has moved on ahead.

Audra Mae sings this version (though the acapella version is the one I wanted to use) of the song "Forever Young" that I want to dedicate to Anna Kate, Maximus and Cindy - the words ring true and stand strong.

Peace my dear friends, and most of all - love.


kt and linda said...

It's lovely Nancy, I can hear it and it comes right up as you get there...<3 well done...and that's a sweet piece about Cindy too (and of course the babies)! see you soon.

Cathy said...

I LOVE this song. Thanks for exposing me to it. Do you have suggestions of more like it?